Feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can!
Renovation TypeHDB BTOHDB ResaleCondo ResaleNew CondoLandedCommercial
Selection of DesignerCreative DesignerSenior DesignerSuper Senior Designer
Key CollectionCollected1 - 3 months4 - 6 months> 6 months
Budget$10 - 20k$20 - 40k$40 - 60k$60 - 80k>$100k
10 Ubi Crescent #01-63A Lobby D Ubi Techpark Singapore 408564
10 Woodlands Square #04-41 Solo 1 Woods Square Singapore 737714
2.5 months
Kelvin Liew
4 Room HDB resale (Entire house)
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